You're invited to gather in with us online via a Zoom meeting invitation. It's simple and free - get the invite and download the app and you're in business. We will meet to catch up, read scripture, discuss what we’re reading, pray, and encourage one another. Life groups are men & women together while teams are men or women.
At Lakeside we believe strongly in relationship - first with God but also with one another. To that end, we are meeting online to remain safe and healthy as a prudent and wise response the COVID-19 outbreak. So, while we can't meet on site we will meet online. It may seem strange at first but this is one of the best ways to connect and stay connected to healthy, encouraging and life giving community. Love casts out fear – perfect love is found in the Person of Jesus and we are His followers – called to love one another, not neglect gathering together and be a blessing in this world. Join as we transition in this journey to experience the life of the church in a new format. Presently we have a couple of Zoom Groups & TEams for you to join – sign up and you’ll be invited to a Zoom meeting by your facilitator. as circumstances permit,groups will transition back to in-person meetings. the main thing is to meet - come together.
Remember to take care of yourself (stay healthy), care for others around you (neighbors) to meet needs and continue to give to Lakeside so that we can go forward with ministry and outreach helping our community!
click the button below to find the group or team that’s right for you!